Bookkeeping Services

Business Bookkeping Services

At Wilshire Tax Law, we offer professional bookkeeping services to help businesses manage their finances efficiently and comply with tax obligations.

Charles M. Green, Esq.

Accurate bookkeeping is the backbone of a successful business. It is crucial not only for internal financial management but also for tax compliance. At Wilshire Tax Law, led by Charles M. Green, Esq., we provide professional bookkeeping services to businesses of all sizes. With a unique combination of legal and financial expertise, we ensure your books are accurate, up-to-date, and compliant with all relevant tax laws.

Charles M. Green, is also one of the very few California attorneys in Los Angeles who also has extensive experience as both a former CPA and California attorney of 25 yrs. During his tenure as an accomplished CPA for prestigious New York international accounting tax firm Charles has acquired invaluable financial expertise pertaining to legal representation in California and the continental United States.

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Comprehensive Bookkeeping Services

Our comprehensive bookkeeping services include recording transactions, safeguarding assets, and overseeing financial records. We take meticulous care in maintaining your business ledgers, reconciling bank statements, and managing accounts payable and receivable. Our focus on accuracy ensures that your business is always ready for an audit, saving you from hefty penalties that could arise from incorrect or incomplete disclosures.

Additionally, we can assist with:

  • Preparing federal, state, and local income tax returns with supporting schedules
  • Performing limited bookkeeping and financial analysis
  • Representing you during an examination by the IRS
  • Developing an appeal of any proposed deficiency and presenting it to the IRS Appeals Division


The Wilshire Tax Law Difference

At Wilshire Tax Law, we understand that bookkeeping isn’t just about number-crunching – it’s about setting your business up for success. Our combined legal and financial expertise enables us to offer you more than basic bookkeeping. We provide strategic financial guidance, helping you make informed decisions that drive your business forward.


Why Choose Our Business Bookkeeping Services

Choosing Wilshire Tax Law for your bookkeeping needs means choosing a partner committed to your business’s financial health. Our team, led by Charles M. Green, Esq., combines legal and financial knowledge to offer comprehensive bookkeeping services that ensure your business complies with tax laws while also optimizing financial performance.

Give your business the financial accuracy and clarity it deserves. Contact Wilshire Tax Law today for a comprehensive case evaluation and discover how our expert bookkeeping services can benefit your business.

At Wilshire Tax Law, we’re committed to ensuring the financial health of your business. Rely on us to keep your books accurate, compliant, and primed for success.


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